Lynne Rudder Baker (1944-2017)

Lynne Rudder Baker, Distinguished Professor Emerita in Philosophy at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, has died. 

Professor Baker was known for her work in philosophy of mind, and also wrote on other topics in metaphysics, the nature of philosophy, and philosophy of religion.

She received her Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University in 1972, and held appointments at Mary Baldwin College, the University of Pittsburgh, and Middlebury College, before moving to UMass.

The UMass Department of Philosophy has posted a detailed memorial notice here.

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6 years ago

Her book “Naturalism and the First Person Perspective” is fantastic. Sad to see her go.

alex rosenberg
6 years ago

Lynne was a wonderful philosopher, certainly among the most cogent in developing arguments for naturalists to address in the defense of their own views. More important that just being a worthy interlocutor, she was a wonderful person.

Richard McDonough
Richard McDonough
6 years ago

About 5 years ago, I received a letter out of the blue from Lynn. She had written me to express her admiration for some of my published papers. We began a correspondence that involved both professional and personal matters. Lynn’s mind was always active and clear, always interested and interesting, her comments always sensitive and meticulously fair. She was always completely generous. She never promoted herself or called attention to her own accomplishments even when the subjects under discussion gave her every reason to do so. Even though I had never met her in person, a warmth shown through her letters that made me feel that I had known her for decades. The person who came through those letters was the same shining open friendly face that I see in the picture above. A few weeks ago, she told me that she was going in for open heart surgery. I told her not to bother responding to me until it was all over and she was completely recovered. I had no idea I would never hear from her again. We have lost a true gem, and I can only regret that I never had the pleasure of meeting her in person. But I am blessed that she entered my life, even if only for such a short time.