Results of Philosophers Against Factory Farming Fundraising Competition

The Philosophers Against Factory Farming fundraising competition, announced earlier this month, ended last night. One of the organizers, Carolina Flores Henrique, passed along the results.

She writes:

Philosophers Against Factory Farming’ drew to a close at midnight EST and the winner is Princeton with $8,785. In total, philosophers across 38 departments in 7 countries raised over $50,000 towards The Humane League (a fantastically effective animal welfare organisation), with over 400 individual donations.

The runner up is NYU with $8,686 – they also take home most individual donations, with 65 donations;
The best non-US team is Oxford with $3,092;
The best new team is the University of Alberta with $1,155;
The best team without a graduate program is Seton Hall with $790.
All of these departments will soon receive a small commemorative prize.
The full final results are:
  1. Princeton ($8,785)
  2. NYU ($8,686)
  3. Michigan ($5,915)
  4. Rutgers ($5,745)
  5. Arizona ($3,100)
  6. Oxford ($3092)
  7. USC ($2,385)
  8. Alberta ($1,155)
  9. MIT ($1,125)
  10. Bochum ($960)
  11. Seton Hall ($790)
  12. UNC ($635)
  13. ANU ($551)
  14. Carleton ($470)
  15. UPenn ($445)
  16. Colorado – Boulder ($415)
  17. St Andrews ($410)
  18. Pittsburgh ($391)
  19. Wash U St Louis (#375)
  20. UCL ($365)
  21. HWS ($320)
  22. Houston ($300)
  23. ENS Paris ($290)
  24. Yale ($280)
  25. Columbia ($275)
  26. Northwestern ($270)
  27. Utah Valley & Western ($250 each)
  28. UCSD ($225)
  29. Cambridge & Toronto ($200 each)
  30. Glasgow ($180)
  31. Florida State & Indiana – Bloomington ($175 each)
  32. Old Dominion ($125)
  33. York ($110)
  34. Louisville ($110)
  35. Dar Es Salaam ($75)

(List of acknowledgements here.)

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