
For your reading pleasure: Mini-Heap—10 recent items from the frequently updated Heap of Links, collected and numbered. Feel free to discuss.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap.

  1. “Poly” is hot — in political philosophy
  2. Who needs truth? — Catherine Elgin (Harvard) describes her deontological approach to epistemology
  3. Ethics, the environment, and the future — an interview with John Broome (Oxford)
  4. “Who is this French woman Kant is discussing?” — Andrew Janiak (Duke) on women in early modern philosophy
  5. “Labels of Love” — the podcast series from Carrie Jenkins (UBC)
  6. Writer’s block? — it’s not necessarily an obstacle to publication
  7. “The universe should not actually exist” — physicists are unable to find the asymmetry between matter and antimatter that would explain “why antimatter did not destroy the universe at the beginning of time”
  8. What is religion? — a review of three recent answers, including that of atheist Tim Crane (Cambridge)
  9. Grade inflation and ageism — a case for dropping transcript requirements from philosophy job applications
  10. Against relying on authorial intent in aesthetic criticism — a surprisingly fascinating look at the 1986 animated movie, The Transformers. Really. (via Tim Carmody)
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