
Here’s the latest Mini-Heap: 10 recent items from the frequently updated Heap of Links, collected and numbered for your convenience. Feel free to discuss.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap.

  1. He sat down to write about Kant ‘s attempt “to secure certainty about what the real world is like out of certainty about what our experience of it is like” — and then the earthquake struck
  2. Naturalism in philosophy is not on the wane — but Maarten Boudry (Ghent) explains why it may seem that it is
  3. What is mental health? — Anna Alexandrova (Cambridge) on the complicated concept
  4. The new research unit will aim “to help technologists put ethics into practice, and to help society anticipate and direct the impact of AI so that it works for the benefit of all” — Google’s Deepmind now has an ethics group
  5. A philosophy professor and his class collaborate with an art museum for an exhibit — “The Meaning of Life: Visual Analogy”
  6. Are erections voluntary? — Nomy Arpaly (Brown) on adjusting credences and, uh, “believing at pill?”
  7. Philosophers to play role in UK Supreme Court case on abortion policy in Northern Ireland — testimony from Simon Blackburn, A. C. Grayling, and John Harris will be included
  8. Academia’s focus on “excellence” discourages both intellectual risk-taking and ‘normal science’ (via Adriel Trott’s blog, The Trott Line)
  9. “The alt-right is drunk on bad readings of Nietzsche” — Sean Illing at Vox
  10. “If one takes philosophy as one’s vocation, [one] does so with less hope of glory as one of history’s celebrated geniuses, but as one among many making a small and under-appreciated contribution to a greater whole.” — Liam Kofi Bright (CMU) on individualism and communalism in philosophy
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Alfred MacDonald
Alfred MacDonald
6 years ago

The “Naturalism in philosophy is not on the wane” article bothers me because “on the wane” might prompt a reader to think rates of adoption (or proportion of adoptees) have something to do with a belief’s correctness/strength/whatever. “Naturalism in philosophy is not weakening” seems preferable unless there is some usage of “on the wane” I am not understanding.

6 years ago

Did anyone else lol at Maarten Boudry’s silly post?

Reply to  G
6 years ago

It very closely resembles a particularly bad religious text, where the heretic (i.e. in this case Plantinga for some reason) is threatening the orthodox faith (but have no fear, for the righteous [opponents of analytic metaphysics] will win out in the end).

6 years ago

Paperclips: 30,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

6 years ago

Philosophers are invited to speak at a UK Supreme Court case on abortion policy and they decide to go for three old white men? Seriously?