Major Retrospective Planned at MoMA for Artist and Philosopher Adrian Piper

The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York will be presenting a “major retrospective” of the work of artist and philosopher Adrian Piper next year, according to Culture Type.

Piper studied philosophy as an undergraduate at City College of New York and as a graduate student at Harvard, obtaining her PhD in 1981. She has written on moral philosophy, aesthetics, Kant, and rationality, among other topics. Readers may also be interested in her “Ten Commandments of Philosophical Writing.”

A press release from MoMA describes the upcoming exhibition, entitled “Adrian Piper: A Synthesis of Intuitions, 1965–2016”:

Comprising over 280 works gathered from public and private collections around the world, the exhibition, which will be seen in its entirety only at The Museum of Modern Art, will occupy the Museum’s entire sixth floor—the first time that entire level has been devoted to the work of a living artist. The retrospective will provide an in-depth review of the full range of Piper’s work in diverse mediums: works on paper, video, multimedia installation, performance, painting, sound, and photo/text-based graphics spanning over five decades

Culture Type writes:

As both an artist and philosopher, [Piper] has pressed audiences to reconsider longstanding assumptions about gender, race, identity, and class. Her intellectual explorations of the political, social, spiritual and psychological possibilities of conceptual art have prioritized personal subjectivity.

You can read more about her artwork, much of which “deals with issues of passing and racism,” here

The exhibit at MoMA will run from March 31 to July 22, 2018.

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Michael Corris
6 years ago

This is a long-overdue acknowledgment of the groundbreaking work of an artist who is sometimes a philosopher, and a philosopher who is sometimes an artist. It will be an outstanding exhibition!

Dan Weiskopf
6 years ago

This should be superb, albeit well overdue. Piper’s collected writings on art, “Out of Order, Out of Sight” (two volumes from MIT Press) are also worth studying closely, not only for her early (and now canonical) writings on conceptual art and meta-art, but also for incandescent later essays like “Goodbye to Easy Listening” and “The Triple Negation of Colored Women Artists”.