
The links keep piling up! Here’s the latest Mini-Heap: 10 recent items from the frequently updated Heap of Links, collected here for your convenience and numbered for easy discussion.

If you have suggestions for the Heap of Links, please send ’em in.

  1. Settling that Russell thing once and for all (don’t miss the mouseover text)
  2. “Two major methodological challenges arise equally in contemporary cosmology and particle physics” — Michela Massimi (Edinburgh) in The Guardian
  3. “American public discourse doesn’t give us helpful ways to talk about the dictatorial rule of employers” — Elizabeth Anderson (Michigan) on how we’re governed by our employers (Vox)
  4. The homes of German philosophers — some photos
  5. Should policy-relevant researchers stay out of politics? — thoughts on academic research, political change, and the connection between them
  6. The trailer for the Amartya Sen documentary — and India’s Central Board of Film Certification’s censorship of certain words in it
  7. When philosophers invent problems (SMBC)
  8. “Is life a worthwhile risk?” — Rivka Weinberg (Scripps) on the environmental factors relevant to that question
  9. “The objects it creates might only be virtual, but the challenges it raises are all too real” — the ethics and politics of augmented reality
  10. “When you ask why he didn’t show up to your party, he says there are four causes” — if famous philosophers were your friends
Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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