
Mini-Heap: recent items from the frequently updated Heap of Links, collected in groups of 10, here for your perusal and discussion.

If you have suggestions for the Heap of Links, send ’em in.

  1. The ethics of “awesome” — an interview with philosophers and former professional rollerblader Nick Riggle (San Diego)
  2. “Which Field Is More F*cked: Philosophy or Psychology?” — the Very Bad Wizards discuss
  3. Defending the reality of time — an interview with Tim Maudlin (NYU)
  4. On the lawsuit against Kipnis and the arguments in her book (and see the links towards the end of the post)
  5. “The descriptive and normative are inextricably intermingled” — Doris, Machery, and Stich on the relevance of psychology to ethics
  6. “Epistemological insiderism” — a sociologist on the Tuvel controversy, in the NYT
  7. Attending a philosophy conference remotely — a brief look at the whats, hows, pros, and cons
  8. Philosophy, lactose-intolerance, and the biology of race — a discussion with Quayshawn Spencer (U Penn)
  9. 30 tattoos of Socrates — really
  10. A rather careful look at a part of Laura Kipnis’s book — at a new philosophy blog, Epistepocalypse
Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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Alan White
Alan White
7 years ago

The Maudlin link doesn’t work. Insert unhappy face here mentally.