
Mini-Heap: recent items from the Heap of Links, collected in groups of 10, here for your perusal and discussion.

If you have suggestions for the Heap of Links, send ’em in.

  1. “I want my mommy” — teaching philosophy to kids isn’t that easy
  2. The ethics of Passover & benefiting from injustice — should Jews celebrate that God supposedly killed thousands of innocent Egyptian boys, or should they atone for it?
  3. “There is no distinction between the legitimate and black market” when it comes to antiquities — Liza Oliver and Erich Hatala Matthes (Wellesley) on the ethics of acquiring ancient art
  4. “Every morning before I get up I read my email on my phone, and am delighted if I can turn down three or four invitations… before I even get up” — Martha Nussbaum answers some questions
  5. “We need to find a way to formally recognize the skills, the work, the talent, and the contributions to the profession of our present-day philosophical ‘distillers'” — on making philosophy understood to the general public
  6. “The audience is moved, but also (in Plato’s sense) self-moved, to the extent that they are led to think for themselves” — Tushar Irani (Wesleyan) on how “good rhetoric also does the work of reason”
  7. More on that “negative mass” fluid mentioned last week in the Heap — perhaps not as wild as we might have thought (via Alex Grzankowski)
  8. “I’m hoping to do my small part to make the movement endure more.” — Chris Lebron (Yale) profiled in The Chronicle in regards to his book on Black Lives Matter
  9. Undergrads can now major in philosophy at UT Dallas — previously it was just available as a minor
  10. Controversy over “Communism for Kids” — translated from the German by philosophy graduate student Jacob Blumenfeld (New School)
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