New Public Philosophy Podcast: The Owl

The Owl is a new public philosophy podcast from the Brooklyn Public Philosophers (BKPP). Ian Olasov, a philosophy graduate student at CUNY who coordinates events for BKPP, writes:

The first two episodes are now online (and available on iTunes). Half the episodes are interviews with speakers from the Brooklyn Public Philosophers event series, and half the episodes are discussions of listener-submitted questions with guest philosophers… 

The first episode is an interview with Ben Abelson (Mercy College), who recently gave a talk at the series about what science fiction can teach us about personhood.

On the second episode, I discuss questions about privacy, whether to stay in a long distance relationship, and charity with Travis Timmerman (Seton Hall).

The form for submitting questions to the podcast is here.

Check it out, and share it with others you think might be interested.
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Barry Lam
7 years ago

Congratulations Ian, get in touch with me if you want to collaborate on something!