Online Philosophy Resources Weekly Update

Here is this week’s report of what’s new at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP), Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP), and Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (NDPR).

Feel free to share other items of philosophical interest you’ve come across recently in the comments to this post.

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  1. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim, by Vittoria Perrone Compagni (Florence).


  1. Aristotle’s Logic, by Robin Smith (Texas A&M).
  2. Heaven and Hell in Christian Thought, by Thomas Talbott (Willamette).
  3. Formal Learning Theory, by Oliver Schulte (Simon Frasier).
  4. Incompatibilist (Nondeterministic) Theories of Free Will, by Randolph Clarke (Florida State) and Justin Capes (Tennessee State).
  5. William Godwin, by Mark Philp (Warwick).
  6. Natural Kinds, by Alexander Bird (Bristol) and Emma Tobin (UC London).
  7. Francis Herbert Bradley’s Moral and Political Philosophy, by David Crossleym (Saskatchewan).
  8. Robert Holkot, by Hester Gelber (Stanford) and John T. Slotemaker (Fairfield)
  9. Abstract Objects, by Gideon Rosen (Princeton).
  10. Paternalism, by Gerald Dworkin (UC Davis).


  1. Arnold Geulincx, by J. A. van Ruler (Erasmus).
  2. Scotus: Knowledge of God, by Alexander Hall (Clayton State).
  3. Thomas Aquinas, by Christopher M. Brown (Tennessee-Martin).
  4. The African Predicament, by Isaiah Aduojo Negedu (Federal University of Lafia).


  1. Christopher Bertram (Bristol) reviews Rousseau’s Ethics of Truth: A Sublime Science of Simple Souls (Routledge), by Jason Neidleman.
  2. Robert Fudge (Weber State) reviews Adam Smith: His Life, Thought, and Legacy (Princeton), by Ryan Patrick Hanley (ed.).
  3. Stanley Bates (Middlebury College) reviews Excursions with Thoreau: Philosophy, Poetry, Religion (Bloomsbury), by Edward F. Mooney.
  4. Richard Velkley (Tulane) reviews Images of History: Kant, Benjamin, Freedom and the Human Subject (Oxford), by Richard Eldridge.
  5. Barry Allen (McMaster) reviews Ironic Life (Polity), by Richard J. Bernstein.



Compiled by Michael Glawson, University of South Carolina


Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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