The Return of The Service Previously Known As Philosopher’s Carnival

Philosopher’s Carnival was a website that aimed to

  • to showcase the best philosophical writing in the blogosphere in one convenient location, for the benefit of philosophically-inclined readers
  • to provide lesser-known philosophy bloggers with the opportunity to gain some exposure and attract a wider audience
  • to foster and promote the free online dissemination of serious philosophy.

It was started in 2004 by Richard Yetter Chappell (York), and then transferred into the care of Tristan Haze (Sydney) in 2012. Now, after a bit of a hiatus, it’s returning as “Philosophical Blog Posts.” Every two months, a new edition will appear. The first one (or 181st, if counting the old ones) is here. You can follow them on Facebook to stay updated about new editions.

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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7 years ago

Now if we can just get a webring!

7 years ago

Speaking of philosophy blog round-ups (and as a philosophy carnival alum.) I built a site:

From the about page:

> Every few hours a computer at a datacenter scans the web for new philosophical content. It then analyzes, processes, and formats the information. This creates an always updating website for easy perusal.

>I built this site to highlight all the public philosophy that is posted every single day online and as a way for people to discover philosophically oriented websites. While there are already many excellent websites that post links to philosophical content, The Practical Ontologist is focused on staying fresh and not being a Balkanizing social network. It is the Google News of philosophy blogs.

I’m still working on the site, but it currently checks over 130 different blogs and media feeds.

Any feedback would be great.


Tristan Haze
Reply to  noah
7 years ago

This looks good! Maybe we can both be in Skef’s webring. I have to ask, as the About page doesn’t say anything about it: what’s with the name?

Reply to  Tristan Haze
7 years ago

That would be so cool! Have you seen Skef’s Geocities homepage? It is the best.

As for the name, it was something that I had come up with well before I conceived of this site and liked the way it sounded. I think the old idea was a newsletter about applications of philosophy to everyday problems, hence ‘The Practical Ontologist’. Stupid idea, lol.

Doing any more philosopher profiles at your other blog?

Tristan Haze
Reply to  noah
7 years ago

Pilos Profiles! That’s a deep cut. I’d love to get back to those. Any requests?

Reply to  Tristan Haze
7 years ago

Tough question. So many greats.

Personally, I’d find your insight into different schools of philosophy to be super useful. For instance, profile Logical Positivism, Existentialism, &c., and maybe even some classical schools, like the Cynics.

Maybe Justin would be good enough to link them under his Online Philosophy Resources Weekly update when they come out.

Pilos Boy
Reply to  noah
7 years ago

I don’t know if that’s appropriate Noah. After all it’s all just a bit of fun. But here we are!:

Reply to  Tristan Haze
7 years ago

[can’t reply another level deep, so replying here to Pilos Boy]
Don’t sell yourself short: we all need a bit of fun nowadays. We can let Justin worry about what counts as “Online Philosophy Resources”. Leiter has linked to your efforts before, so that’s something.

Fantastic post, anyhow.