Summer 2017 Philosophy Programs for Undergraduates

Are you organizing a philosophy program for undergraduates for the Summer of 2017? If so, please share information—dates, location, theme, website or email contact, etc.—in the comments here. 

I was prompted to post this by the University of Colorado’s David Boonin, who writes:

We are now accepting applications for the 2017 Colorado Summer Seminar in Philosophy.  The topic this year is “Thought Experiments in Philosophy.” Further information is here.

A post on this topic for the summer of 2015 is here.

We’ll do separate posts another day for summer programs for high school students and graduate students, so hold off on posting those, please.

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Brian Weatherson
7 years ago

I’m not sure if this is the time period you’re looking for, but Michigan is running a Workshop for students interested in graduate school in philosophy in late September.–map-/compass-workshop-call-for-applications.html

Nina Emery
7 years ago

The Summer Immersion Program in Philosophy at Brown University (SIPP@Brown) will be accepting applications for 2017 starting in early January. SIPP@Brown is a two week residential program for undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing a graduate degree in philosophy and who are members of groups that traditionally have been underrepresented in the field. In 2017 the program will run from July 16 – July 29. More information is available at

Lisa Rivera
7 years ago

Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institutes (PIKSI) in now accepting applications for summer 2017. Applications are due 1/31.

There are two PIKSIs–PIKSI Boston (June 20-27) and PIKSI Rock (June 21-30). Students may apply to both PIKSIs but can only attend one.

The PIKSIs are designed to encourage undergraduates from underrepresented groups in philosophy to consider future graduate study. Undergraduates and recent graduates who are women, African Americans, Chicano/as and Latino/as, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, LGBTs, those from economically disadvantaged communities and people with disabilities are urged to apply. Transportation and lodging are provided and stipends are available to all.

See for more details about both programs.

David O. Brink
David O. Brink
7 years ago

UCSD will host the fourth annual Summer Program for Women in Philosophy for undergraduate women interested in graduate work in Philosophy. The program will run from Sunday, June 25 through Friday July 7. We will issue a call for applications shortly. Applications will be accepted until March 1, and admissions decisions will be made by April 1. For further information, visit the website (, where you can also direct questions.

Will Fleisher
7 years ago

The Rutgers Summer Institute for Diversity in Philosophy will be held July 10-17th, 2017 on Rutgers’ New Brunswick campus. I believe this will actually be the 20th year of the institute (though our website still says 19th). The SIDP is organized each year by Professor Howard McGary of Rutgers. Applications are due May 8, 2017.

From the website:
“This seven-day program is designed to introduce undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds to the various areas of specialization within the discipline of philosophy, give students a better idea of what graduate study in philosophy is about, and explore various views about what it means to be a professional philosopher. Up to fifteen students will be given the opportunity to interact in formal and informal settings with a group of talented graduate students and distinguished faculty members from a number of universities.”

For more information, see:

7 years ago

I maintain a list of philosophy summer schools for undergraduates on my website:

Evgenia Mylonaki
7 years ago

The American study abroad program College Year in Athens, CYA, is organising summer philosophy seminars for advanced undergraduate students in Athens, Greece (from June 5 to July 1, 2017). Each seminar focuses on one philosophical topic and culminates into a week-long engagement with a distinguished philosopher, who will be presenting their latest research on the topic.
The topic of this year’s seminar is the Philosophy of Action and Knowledge, and the distinguished guest is professor John Hyman from the University of Oxford, who will lecture on his book Action, Knowledge and Will (Oxford University Press, 2015). The instructor of the seminars, Dr Evgenia Mylonaki, has worked on practical philosophy with Kieran Setiya and John McDowell at the University of Pittsburgh and is an AAUW, DAAD, Andrew Mellon and EU alumna, currently working on practical reasoning.
More information here:

Evgenia Mylonaki
Evgenia Mylonaki
7 years ago

Extended Deadline:
Deadline for applications for the 1st Athens Philosophy Summer Seminar with professor John Hyman from the University of Oxford extended to April the 28th.
See below.

The American study abroad program College Year in Athens, CYA, is organising summer philosophy seminars for advanced undergraduate students in Athens, Greece (from June 5 to July 1, 2017). Each seminar focuses on one philosophical topic and culminates into a week-long engagement with a distinguished philosopher, who will be presenting their latest research on the topic.
The topic of this year’s seminar is the Philosophy of Action and Knowledge, and the distinguished guest is professor John Hyman from the University of Oxford, who will lecture on his book Action, Knowledge and Will (Oxford University Press, 2015). The instructor of the seminars, Dr Evgenia Mylonaki, has worked on practical philosophy with Kieran Setiya and John McDowell at the University of Pittsburgh and is an AAUW, DAAD, Andrew Mellon and EU alumna, currently working on practical reasoning.
More information here: