Online Philosophy Resources Weekly Update

Welcome to the week, philosofriends. Here’s the usual report on what’s new at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy(SEP), Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP), Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (NDPR), and Wi-Phi.

If there are links of philosophical interest you’ve come across recently, you are welcome to share them in the comments to this post (though check out the Heap of Links first to see if it’s not already in there).

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  1. Informal Logic, by Leo Groarke (Trent).
  2. Clarence Irving Lewis, by Bruce Hunter (Alberta).
  3. Hans Reichenbach, by Clark Glymour (Carnegie Mellon) and Frederick Eberhardt (Cal Tech).
  4. Edmund Husserl, by Christian Beyer (Georg-August Universitat Gottingen).
  5. Doing vs. Allowing Harm, by Fiona Woollard (South Hampton) and Frances Howard-Snyder (Western Washington).
  6. Leibniz’s Ethics, by Andrew Youpa (Southern Illinois).
  7. Spinoza’s Physical Theory, by Richard Manning (South Florida).


  1. Casey Haskins (Purchase College) reviews Doing Aesthetics with Arendt: How to See Things (Columbia), by Cecilia Sjoholm.
  2. Elaine P. Miller (Miami University) reviews Through Vegetal Being: Two Philosophical Perspectives (Columbia), by Luce Irigaray and Michael Marder.
  3. Tim Button, (Cambridge) reviews Ontology after Carnap (Oxford), by Stephan Blatti and Sandra Lapointe (eds.).
  4. Matthew Meyer (Scranton) reviews The Making of Friedrich Nietzsche: The Quest for Identity, 1844-1869 (Cambridge), by Daniel Blue.
  5. Léa Salje (Leeds) reviews About Oneself: De Se Thought and Communication (Oxford), by Manuel Garcia-Carpintero and Stephan Torre (eds.).
  6. Lewis A. Kornhauser (NYU) reviews Private Wrongs (Harvard), by Arthur Ripstein.


Wi-Phi   ∅

As a Platonist I believe in the real existence of bullshit numbers.”

Compiled by Michael Glawson, University of South Carolina


The Hedgehog Review
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