Sandra Bartky (1935-2016)

Sandra Lee Bartky, Professor Emerita of Philosophy at the University of Illinois at Chicago, died earlier today. 

Professor Bartky was known for her influential writing in feminist philosophy and phenomenology, as well as work on existentialism and critical theory. She received her undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

According to a post at Feminist Philosophers, Professor Bartky was one of the founding members of the Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP).

You can learn more about Professor Bartky and her work at this page as well as at this entry at Wikipedia, and the aforementioned post at Feminist Philosophers.

UPDATE (10/24/16): The New York Times obituary is here.


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Doc F Emeritus
Doc F Emeritus
7 years ago

I only knew her through her work and at a couple conferences where we interacted as she presented a paper and I responded. But we lost a fine philosopher and person. My sympathies to all who were close to her, family and friends.

2 months ago

I was a student of Dr Bartkty in the early 1980’s. She was a wonderful professor and I took a number of her courses. Beyond that she was a wonderful person. We spoke many times and her advice and guidance helped me a lot during my undergraduate studies both academically and just life in general. I had not seen her since graduation many years ago, but I still remember her and am glad I got to meet her. If any of her family see this post, please know what an impact she had on not only on myself, but I am sure many other students.