Your Experience With Grants

On the comment thread to the recent “Money for Philosophers” post, Chris Surprenant (University of New Orleans) wrote:

This is a nice resource, but it can also be overwhelming and lead to a great deal of frustration.

What would be far more useful is a page where actual grant recipients post about their experience working with foundations or other granting agencies, information about what they received their grant for, and some details about the process (e.g., time between application and award). Grant recipients can also put people in touch with foundation staff members who may be able to assist in the process.

Readers, please share your experiences in the comments. If it’s easier, you can just respond to these prompts:

  1. Grant agency or foundation name; optional: staff member(s) to contact
  2. What the grant supported
  3. Workload to get grant (from, say, “relatively light” to “unbelievably onerous”)
  4. Time from application submission to awarding of grant
  5. Suggestions for working with this agency or foundation
  6. Suggestions for the agency or foundation about how to improve their processes
  7. Further comments

Thank you.

Dollar Origami Owl 2

(Note: As per the comments policy, while pseudonymous posting is permitted, no handles may contain the word “anonymous” or “anon.” If not logging in via a social media account, a working and accurate email address is required; email addresses are not publicly displayed.)

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Sebastian Luft
Sebastian Luft
8 years ago

My university once hired a “grant guru” who was supposed to help us–the group identified as “grant material”–obtain grants. One thing this guy suggested was actually visiting the grant agency and talking to them. I actually did that–I flew to D.C. to talk with the grant agent at NEH. I sent him a draft of a grant proposal beforehand and got his feedback. The first application was rejected, the second one got accepted. Not sure how crucial it was to see this person, but it was helpful for me.