Philosopher App Store Redux

A week after Daily Nous began, on a slow Friday, I put up a post soliciting suggestions for the Philosopher App store. Well, it’s another slow Friday, and the site’s readership has grown quite a bit since then, so let’s have another go at it. Feel free to add your own; as I said last time, you can be playful, but please don’t be mean.

From the old store:

Nagelvision – Splitscreen video app simultaneously records from front and back cameras, giving you both the personal and impersonal points of view.

Singer Song Writer – Sends you an email during every iTunes purchase to tell you how many lives you could save with the money you’re about to spend buying songs.

Scanlow – Scans a product’s barcode for nearby deals on it that no one could reasonably reject.

Leiter Fluid – An interactive phrasebook that tells you just what to say to start a heated conversation.

NorCross-Trainer – An exercise app that calculates the pace, duration, extent, effectiveness, and intensity of one’s jokes.

bEstlund – In the spirit of Sim City and Civilization, players of this strategy game devise the most perfectly just rules for a society—and the perfectly just people to live by them!

Kuklaburra – a special edition of Angry Birds, in which the birds lay eggs while resisting attempts to be placed in a slingshot (or any position they don’t want to be in) while also fighting chauvinist pigs.

Kamm-R-Uh – This camera app shows you exactly how things look to Frances Kamm, in ultra HD.

E. Harmany – Dating app that’s guaranteed to benefit you by causing you to have a benefit, namely, an encounter with that special someone. Note: E.Harmany does not guarantee that you will be better off than you otherwise would have been had you not used E.Harmany.

GoodinPlenty – With this productivity app, it’ll be as if you’re 12 hours ahead of everyone else. Helps you work efficiently by identifying the projects on which you should or should not settle for less, leaving you with plenty of discretionary time at the end of the day.

HaleStorm – Weather app with a special feature that tracks your daily activities to detect when your actions wrong the environment—even when those actions make no difference to the environment!

Perryfocus: A to-do app which implements structured procrastination. (via Nicole Wyatt)

PerryFeral: An add-on to Perryfocus that suggests wilder ways to get things out of your system so you can later get back to work.

Suits Me – All the necessary and sufficient card games in one app.

Singer Song Writer animation

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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8 years ago

BrinkedIn: a housing app that, based on your nature, shows you local homeostatic property clusters that would be good for you to buy, even if you can’t buy them all.

8 years ago

POP-N-NorLOCK’s Cahilla Moves (note: Ann J. Cahill’s email address is cahilla at her university dot edu): A series of instructional videos that 1. teach dance moves from the 1970’s and 1980’s in such a way that women are stronger and more powerful, and 2. so that those who judge dance can do so without bias.

Benedict Zuckerberg
Benedict Zuckerberg
8 years ago

Spin-knows-ya: Like spin-the-bottle, except with a phone, and instead of kissing the person the phone ends up pointing at, you get to read an explanation for why you and that person are basically the same, knowledge of which gives you the power to control your passion to kiss that person.

Nick Zavediuk
Nick Zavediuk
8 years ago

Disemv-Owl of Minerva: This app prevents you from commenting on any article or blog post for at least one hour after reading it, thereby giving the user ample time to cool down before hastily posting something stupid or regrettable.

8 years ago

I think the Singer app would be a good app to create, and expand it into any purchase one makes online or wherever. Maybe you could take a picture of your dinner, and it’d show you Singer quotes and video of animals being slaughtered. What if Siri could be programed to be different philosophers? So if you asked Singer-Siri about the nearest restaurants, he’d say “why don’t you consider the ethical implications of eating out tonight, and cook a responsible home-cooked meal instead? Did you know that a starving child dies every…..”. Anyone have ideas for what kind of conversations philosophers-Siri would have with you?

Julinna O.
Julinna O.
8 years ago

HaslangeResister – a social ontology ID app that detects oppressive ideologies and then generates words, actions and music for resisting that reality. Shazam!

Danny Weltman
8 years ago

Keyboard Courseguard: Monitors your typing inputs and auto-corrects each word to whichever word you reflectively endorse, rather than what you actually typed.

Webr: Finds you nearby men who have a monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory.

8 years ago

BenjamInstagram — like Instagram, but more authentic.

Alan White
Alan White
8 years ago

In-Sider–shows local transit times to different locations all at once.

Alan White
Alan White
8 years ago

Libet-arian–input a tough decision: makes it before you know it.

8 years ago

Google TwinEarth (self-explanatory).

Alan White
Alan White
8 years ago

van-n-wagon–Ubers everyone but no one pays for it (beta only)

Jerry Dworkin
Jerry Dworkin
8 years ago

Rawls-of-the-Road Traffic laws of all 50 states
Fodorsguide to all mental states

Eric Winsberg
Eric Winsberg
8 years ago

EnCrypt-key. Makes sure your emails only reach their rigidly designated recipients.