Editorial Changes at Thought

The editorial staff at the journal, Thought, has changed. Crispin Wright writes:

We wish to record our great gratitude to Jc Beall (Subject Editor for Logic), Janice Dowell (Subject Editor for Metaphysics), and Carrie Jenkins (Principal Editor) for their contributions to the editing of the journal hitherto. We are excited to announce that Catarina Dutilh-Novaes (Groningen) and Kristie Miller (Sydney) will respectively assume the Logic and the Metaphysics Subject Editorships with immediate effect and that Åsa Wikforss (Stockholm) has agreed to serve as Principal Editor, with special responsibility for Epistemology, Language, and Mind, from September 1 of this year.

The reconstituted Board membership will thus be
Principal Editors: John Divers, Åsa Wikforss, and Crispin Wright
Subject Editors: Magdalena Balcerak-Jackson (Mind), Richard Heck (Language, and Mathematics), Josh Schechter (Epistemology), Catarina Dutilh-Novaes (Logic), Kristie Miller (Metaphysics), and Ralph Wedgwood (Value Theory)

Readers of Daily Nous are reminded that every paper published in Thought has received the approval of a first reviewer, a Subject Editor and two Principal Editors and has been blind reviewed at every stage.

thought journal cover

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