Which Philosophy Ideas Make for Good Costumes?

Which philosophical ideas (or examples) would make for a good Halloween costume?

Yes, Brain in Vat. We all think we’ve thought of that one already. What else?

Eternal Recurrence? You went as that last year! And the year before.

I suppose you could go as anything. Just make a sign that says “p & ¬ p” and walk behind it.

How would you go about dressing up as the Categorical Imperative? Remember, it would have to be the kind of costume everyone could wear.

Looking for a sexy costume idea? Go as Philosophy Department Budget. It barely covers anything.

Or go as Everything. It leaves nothing to the imagination.


Happy Halloween, everyone!

Logic Jack-O-Lantern

(image via @Replicakill)


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Jan Dowell
Jan Dowell
8 years ago

Sobel and I have dressed as a pair of hands. Added bonus: Belly-bop high-fives.

8 years ago

I was what it’s like to be a bat once, and that went over quite well.

Reply to  Annaleigh
8 years ago

Tried it once, no one grasped it.

Adam Omelianchuk
8 years ago

Brain. In. A. Vat.

8 years ago

Turtles all the way down this year.

Sara L. Uckelman
8 years ago

Madison, WI, is famed for its Halloween parade on State St., so the members of the philosophy department there always had a lot to live up there. When my husband and I were there as grad students, one year we went as triangularity seducing the color purple (he, with a triangular frame, me dressed in purple silk, he occasionally paying me compliments or offering me chocolates), and another year we dressed in green/brown, wore duck bills, and had name-tags saying “Property of B.R.” (We were Russell’s pair o’ ducks.)

8 years ago

A Cartesian evil demon, a Humean bundle of perceptions, and the famous picture of the Leviathan (attach a bunch of dolls to yourself) would be pretty easy to pull off. Maybe even a Chinese room or a Platonic tripartite soul would be recognizable to philosophers. For a group costume, it would be fun to go as a bunch of monads; Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis, or Jim and the Indians (questionable culturally, I know!).

8 years ago

Anomalous monism would an interesting challenge…

David Livingstone Smith
8 years ago

Go as yourself: nobody will recognize you. Humean variant: go as a bundle of impressions.

8 years ago

A friend recently pulled off “grue,” using two identical outfits from target, one blue and one green. When it came to time t, a little superman action made for many confused party-goers…

Louie Generis
Louie Generis
8 years ago

I went as Louie Generis this year, but everyone in my department just thought I forgot to wear a costume. Secret identities are tricky.

8 years ago

Abominable Conjunctions!

Olivia Bailey
Olivia Bailey
8 years ago

Things I’ve seen and/or things I’d like to pull off someday: Gavagai, Thomson’s famous violinist, a bound variable, a utility monster. This year I’m the owl of minerva.

8 years ago

I once attended a philosophical costume party as the present King of France.

8 years ago

The thing in itself.

An On
An On
8 years ago

Veil of ignorance, surrounded by a reflective “equilibrium”

Alan White
Alan White
8 years ago

Nobody noticed when I went as a spacetime point. This year I’m expanding to a Planck length and see if that’s an improvement. If not, next year I’ll round up a cat costume, a big box, a Geiger counter-actuated dispenser, a radium-dial watch, a vial of potassium cyanide, some sulfuric acid. . .

Anonymous Undergrad
Anonymous Undergrad
8 years ago


8 years ago

I thought of going as the Idea of the Good this year. Anyone have one of those sun costumes from the spokesguy for Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches?

Friendly Undergrad
Friendly Undergrad
8 years ago

This year I’m going as the critique of pure reason, and only speaking in the passive voice. It’s the scariest book I know.

costume care
costume care
Reply to  Friendly Undergrad
8 years ago

A hat called logic; a sign reading, ‘language!’

8 years ago

All one needs is a floor-to-head tape measure for being Protagoras’ ‘the measure of all things.’

Adam Omelianchuk
8 years ago

A Lewisian possible world–the one in which only my counterpart and nothing else exists.

Ryan Lake
8 years ago

P.D. I’m sorry, but I have to ask – are you bald?

Reply to  Ryan Lake
8 years ago

Nope. I wore a rather unconvincing bald cap. Nick Jolley was quick with the apt quote, “Hegelians, who love a synthesis, will say he wears a wig.”

8 years ago

I’ve often thought black-and-white Mary would be a good one.

Rob Tempio
Rob Tempio
8 years ago

I am an indexical

Sean Work
Sean Work
8 years ago

Serial Killer Karl Popper. Walk around with a fake syringe and a large jar of clear liquid labelled “morphine”. Tell people you’re preparing to bite the bullet on the logical conclusion of negative utilitarianism.

Simon Fokt
8 years ago

I dressed up as the law of excluded middle once, one person even guessed what I was!

8 years ago

A nefarious neuroscientist, anyone?

8 years ago

I’m Rawls. Basically, I’m just dressing normally, but talking way more than normal about something boring and using terrible sentence structure. You can tell I’m already in character.

8 years ago

I’m going as Wittgenstein and leaving town.

PhD Student
PhD Student
8 years ago

I did Tabula Rasa last year – just hung a blank slate around my neck.

My Tabula wasn’t very Rasa by the end of the night, though.

Jeff Heikkinen
Jeff Heikkinen
8 years ago

As a grad student, I heard tell of a somewhat famous prof who put curly braces of cardboard or foam on either side of him and went as the set whose only member was himself.

Reply to  Jeff Heikkinen
8 years ago

So he went as his singleton. Get with the program!

8 years ago

I went as heterophenomenology and told stories all night.

8 years ago

Sam’s friend also went as overdetermination (belt and suspenders) one year. Another year, he went as a super rabbit with the proportional powers of a duck (Duck-Rabbit).

This year, he will be a reanimated corpse who is too depressed to *feel* anything (P-zombie).

8 years ago

I like to go in a suit with no tie, and constantly pointing directly in front of me. Most people ask if I’m a demonstrative or David Kaplan. That’s when I inform the inquirer that I am actually Wittgenstein’s Poker and poke them.

E. Walker
E. Walker
8 years ago

I’ve gone as The Best of All Possible Worlds: Make it look like you just won a pageant: wear a crown or tiara, and a sash that says, “Mister [or Miss] Actual World.”

I’ve also gone as Poststructualist Me: I suspended quotation marks around my head. Just a signifier, man.

Last year I was Falling Under a Concept (so, I was an Object?): I put a wire in my tie to make it stick straight up.

Adam Omelianchuk
8 years ago

You could wear an NYU cap, Princeton sunglasses, a Rutgers T-shirt, Michigan shorts, and Yale socks and go as the PGR report!

Katy Abramson
8 years ago

Okay, everybody talking about Hume on personal identity: REPUBLIC, not bundle. T.
{both Hume and Halloween are v. important, so if we’re going to do this, let’s do it right, shall we? 🙂 }