This One’s Not For The Ladies

You may recall that last week was the launch of the Job Candidate Mentoring Program for Women in Philosophy. As you also may recall, this announcement was followed by clamor for job market mentoring for others besides women. Well, from your lips to bloggers’ ears, folks.

Announcing: The Philosophers’ Cocoon Job-Market Mentoring Project, “a philosophy job-market mentoring program for those in need who cannot utilize the Mentoring Program for Women in Philosophy.” The project is the creation of Marcus Arvan (Tampa) and Helen De Cruz (Amsterdam). In a post at The Philosophers’ Cocoon, they write:

The aim of this mentoring project will be just what it sounds like: a scheme to enable job candidates in philosophy who face special challenges, including those with little access to mentoring (e.g., because their department or advisor does not offer this), to receive advice and support from more experienced members of the profession.

The project is currently at the “proposal” stage. They are looking for feedback on the details and to gauge interest. You can check out those details, provide feedback, and sign up as a prospective mentor or mentee over at the Cocoon.

UPDATE: Unless there is a special reason to do so here, you should go over to the post at the Philosophers’ Cocoon to share your thoughts about this project.

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Helen De Cruz
8 years ago

Thank you for placing this on the DN, Justin! Just to be clear, we don’t want to exclude any gender, but we would like to strongly encourage people who can to use the Job Candidate Mentoring Program for Women in Philosophy.