The SEP Turns 20!

Philosofriends, we are very fortunate to have the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. It is a tremendously useful resource, and apparently it is 20 years old, which seems impossible because I remember the internet being invented only five years ago. Stanford has put out a press release about the anniversary:

Launched two decades ago, years before Wikipedia existed, the site led the way in academic information sharing. It now includes 1,478 authoritative and vetted entries about all manner of philosophical topics. It is updated almost daily, thanks to about 2,000 contributors. The encyclopedia averages more than a million Internet hits per week. Users include students, scholars, librarians and even military officials.

The profession owes a huge thanks to the people behind this site: Edward Zalta, John Perry, Colin Allen, Uri Nodelman and several others. One way to thank them is to make a donation to keep the site going.

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Donald Dummett
Donald Dummett
8 years ago

Congratulations, SEP! I visit the site weekly and have never regretted investing hours over the comprehensive and free philosophical articles.

Matthew J. Brown
8 years ago

It’s worth noting that the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy was founded the same year. Hooray for useful online philosophy resources!