New Blog on the Ethics of War

The Ethical War Blog is a new group blog hosted by the Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace. The Centre’s Jonathan Parry writes:

The Ethical War Blog will publish short and timely opinion articles on war-related topics in the news, written by specialists in the field, in an accessible and digestible format. The blog launches with five articles, with new content to be added continuously:

  • Prof. James Pattison asks whether arming rebels in conflicts such as Syria is preferable to military intervention.
  • Prof. Adil Ahmed Haque discusses ISIS, cultural destruction, and international law. 
  • Prof. Yitzhak Benbaji and Prof. Alexander Yakobsen assess the morality of Hamas’ tactics during Operation Protective Edge 
  • Dr. Jonathan Peterson asks whether defending cultural objects can justify waging war against ISIS. 
  • Prof. David Rodin discusses the conflict between the right to free speech and the duty to avoid causing harm in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

If you are interested in contributing to the blog, contact Dr. Parry at [email protected].

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