Gender Discrimination Alleged at Sam Houston (updated)

Diana Buccafurni-Huber, assistant professor of philosophy at Sam Houston State University in Texas, has accused her department chair, Frank Fair, of intimidation and retaliation, resulting in her being denied tenure. From The Houstonian:

An untenured philosophy professor claimed gender discrimination against her department at a recent Board of Regents meeting. Assistant professor of philosophy… Diana Buccafurni-Huber, Ph.D., said she was denied a tenure promotion last year because of her gender. Buccafurni-Huber claimed during her speech to the board that Frank Fair, Ph.D., philosophy program coordinator and chair of the departmental promotion and tenure advisory committee, “intimidated” and “retaliated” against her on multiple occasions. “My tenure denial is a result of Dr. Frank Fair retaliating against me for opposing his violation of my civil rights and those of other faculty,” Buccafurni-Huber said…

This is not the first time the department has come under fire for gender discrimination as Buccafurni-Huber’s former colleague, Audrey K. Miller, Ph.D., spoke to the board Aug. 29, 2014 with similar allegations.

According to the article, the University’s Board of Regents does not have the responsibility for reviewing tenure cases. It is unclear at this time whether other avenues of appeal are open to Dr. Buccafurni-Huber.

UPDATE (3/19/15): Professor Buccafurni’s speech at the Board of Regents meeting can be viewed here. It starts about a third of the way into the video.

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