Daily Nous Turns One

Daily Nous Turns One

Tomorrow, March 7th, Daily Nous will be one year old. I’m putting this up today as I hope to spend most of tomorrow away from the computer.

“How are things going?” you probably aren’t wondering. I’ll just pretend you asked.

Well, it’s a lot of work, but the site is doing really well. Thanks for asking. And thanks for reading, thanks for taking part in the discussions, thanks for sharing your news, thanks for sending me links, thanks for giving me ideas for posts – thanks for all of your help making Daily Nous what it is. Please keep doing all that!

In short, things are going great with Daily Nous. I hope things are going great with you. If they are, then, well, great! If not, please imagine me saying whichever of the following is most appropriate given your circumstances: (a) Damn, that sucks. (b) Remember, this too shall pass. (c) What an asshole! (d) You might want to get that looked at by a doctor. (e) Let’s talk about something else.

“What should I get Daily Nous for its birthday?” you most certainly aren’t asking yourself.

That’s fine. I suppose. But one thing I would appreciate—if you have them—are suggestions for Daily Nous. Things to do, things to do more of, things to not do, things to not even think about doing. Feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments or email me.

“Aren’t you going to make some grandiose proclamations about the philosophy profession, as is your wont whenever an event or the calendar hands you the chance?” you are quite possibly thinking.

Sometimes, when people write to me for various reasons, they include a line or two about what they think about DN, and, remarkably, not all of these are profanity-laced excoriations. Some of them are even quite nice. I recently received a long, thoughtful email from a reader I had never met. It included this line:

Since you started the blog, DN has changed my view of the discipline. I see a culture of charity and collaboration, and I think that many young philosophers… are encouraged by that.

If I were a cheesy guy, then I would say “Reading something like that makes it all worth it.”

Reading something like that makes it all worth it.

(image: detail of “Cakes” by Wayne Thiebaud)

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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Another grad
Another grad
9 years ago

Wow, this actually really surprised me — it seems DN has been around forever! And that there would be no place to turn to for a *decent* discussion and for any news without overly political descriptions. Thank you, Justin, and please, please, keep it up! Happy birthday!

9 years ago

Thank you for running this blog. I am not a philosopher, nor do I interact much with philosophers, but I enjoy peeking into your world.

Kris McDaniel
Kris McDaniel
9 years ago

I had the opposite reaction — I can’t believe it’s already been a year! Philosophy News Blogs, they grow up so fast…. *sob*.

Jennifer Frey
Jennifer Frey
9 years ago

ad multos annos, Daily Nous!!

Hanyang Liu
Hanyang Liu
9 years ago

Thank you for keeping this wonderful site 🙂

9 years ago

Yeah, I just want to say that this site has been great. Keep it up, and thank you.

Rusty Shackleford
Rusty Shackleford
9 years ago

Happy Birthday big guy!
*ruffles DN’s hair*
Now I know you wanted an ice cream cone but I’m just not sure your mom and I can afford that right now… NOT AFTER THIS!
*jerks on the wheel and pulls the car into nearby ice cream kingdom*
*screams of joy erupt*
*DN starts scream crying, asking if this is for real*
Of course this is for real, DN. This is all for you!
*Ice cream critters surround the car in a welcoming embrace and escort DN to the palace in an oreo cookie sedan chair*
*King greets DN with a jovial belly laugh and beckons DN onto his lap*
*DN experiences an ever heightening state of ecstasy while merging into the king’s tummy*
*Unsure of what is to come, DN’s worries are eased by the rapturous laughter of the critters*
*There is no telling where one ice cream ends and another begins*
*DN now feels one with all of ice cream reality and yet feels as if he is floating higher and higher into ever more perfect flavors*
ALL FOR YOU! All for you! alllll forrrrrr youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu………..

9 years ago

Happy Birthday to Daily Nous!
Thanks Justin for being such a mensch! Thanks for creating and maintaining a space for news and discussion that makes me feel welcome and encouraged about the future of philosophy.
It’s a beacon of light for sure.

Cathy Legg
Cathy Legg
9 years ago

Really love this blog. More please 🙂

David Boonin
David Boonin
9 years ago
9 years ago

Thanks Justin, I will second the comment about your blog (and feminist philosophers) changing my view of the profession. I am a grad student in Australia about to start a PHD, also a mother of 3…..needless to say not your typical philosophy student! Your blog has given me inspiration and strength to continue to pursue my passion in this field. Well done for re-invigorating what philosophy is despite where it has gone. It is nice to feel connected to other like minded philosophers despite the distance.

9 years ago
9 years ago

Such a good alternative! Thank you!

9 years ago

I find this website very helpful in discovering links to things I never knew about, that is related to philosophy or philosophical topics. Thanks much for all the effort in doing this! I was drawn as much as well to the spirit of a shared common purpose and the social sensitivity of the posts and author. Many good years ahead!

Blain Neufeld
9 years ago

Thanks to Justin for setting up and maintaining such a helpful resource. Much appreciated!

Eddy Nahmias
Eddy Nahmias
9 years ago

Thanks for all your work on the blog, Justin. I enjoy many of the discussions, and I really appreciate the Heap of Links.