Arizona’s Freedom Center Wins $2.9m Grant

The John Templeton Foundation has awarded a $2.9 million grant to the University of Arizona’s Center for the Philosophy of Freedom, which is directed by David Schmidtz.

According to press release from the university:

The gift to the center, part of the UA’s College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, will be used to help the center to collaborate with the college’s new undergraduate degree program in Philosophy, Politics, Economics and Law in hiring a postdoctoral fellow and in building a network of philosophy, politics and economics — or PPE — programs spanning several universities and four continents. In the process, it will help create new hybrid online and traditional PPE degree programs, including a program in ethics, economy and entrepreneurship — designed for high school teachers — and six online courses geared toward undergraduates.

In addition, the gift from the Templeton Foundation will enable the center to expand its publishing program, including scholarly articles and books, and support its editorship of Social Philosophy and Policy.

More here.

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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9 years ago

“a program in ethics, economy and entrepreneurship — designed for high school teachers — and six online courses geared toward undergraduates” And this won’t have some libertarian slant to it, right?

9 years ago

If it helps, Anonymous, just think of this as promoting ideological diversity in academia.

9 years ago

Right, Plouffe, because if anything will help promote ideological diversity in the high school curriculum, it will be a greater exposure to libertarian thought and defenses of a free-market.

9 years ago

Not sure I follow. Is the NEA some sort of libertarian cabal?