PhilWiki News

Shawn Miller (UC Davis) writes in with some news about the good work being done at PhilWiki:

  • Benedict Eastaugh (Bristol) has created, which is a wiki that tracks Ph.D. and terminal M.A. programs with strengths in the philosophy of mathematics. He has listed nearly 70 Ph.D. programs. His wiki joins Ted Shear’s Formal Epistemology wiki, Shawn Standefer’s Philosophical Logic wiki (which you have mentioned), and the Philosophy of Physics wiki as providing quite broad coverage of graduate programs that engage in some of philosophy’s more technical areas. Those other wikis can be found linked from Benedict’s site.
  • A slightly different kind of wiki has been created at Anyone who wants to create a wiki page can do so at the site, without sending any emails or asking permission. The site also has (brand new) discussion threads for discussing, e.g., applying to grad school. Anyone can create their own discussion thread. The site is meant to encourage experimentation with wikis for any purpose whatsoever—creating course websites, producing annotated bibliographies, writing collaboratively, using it as a pastebin, etc.—by grad students, faculty, or whomever.
  • All the program information from the wiki can be downloaded as a PDF file. The text file that generated the PDF can also be accessed at GitHubGist for anyone who wants to fork and reuse the information.
  • and (and perhaps some of the other wikis, though I don’t want to speak for them) are going to start including links from particular graduate program listings to their entries in the 2014 APA Guide to Graduate Programs in Philosophy. So students who are researching grad programs will be able to click a link that will take them to the exact page in the APA guide that provides further demographic detail about the program of interest.
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