New Site for Discussions of Discrimination & Disadvantage

Discrimination and Disadvantage is a new blog developed by Thomas Nadelhoffer (College of Charleston) and Kevin Timpe (Northwest Nazarene U.) for discussions about the philosophy of discrimination and disadvantage, as well as of discrimination and disadvantage in the philosophy profession. As they put it in their mission statement,

In recent years, philosophers have increasingly reflected on how various kinds of privilege and advantage are at work in the profession with an eye towards improving the lot of the disadvantaged. This blog is a space for philosophical reflection on various kinds of disadvantage (e.g., discrimination based on racism, classism, sexism, hetero-sexism, ableism, and the intersectionality of these and related phenomena) as well as discussion of such disadvantage within the philosophical community… In this sense, the blog has a theoretical as well as a practical purpose. 

The blog has a number of contributors, and Nadelhoffer and Timpe add that others are welcome to contact them about joining as a contributor. Check it out.

(via Thomas Nadelhoffer)

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Adam Omelianchuk
9 years ago

Kevin Timpe is the man!

9 years ago

Looking at the faculty rosters of leiterrific departments it would seem that one key aspect in which they fail to be representative of the population at large is the paucity of graduates of non-elite BA programs. This is closely related to the much-discussed issues of class and race, but not gender.