Inclusive Philosophy Classroom Best Practices Site

A new website, Best Practices for the Inclusive Philosophy Classroom, has launched. It is an interdepartmental project, started by Minorities and Philosophy (MAP), which aims to be “an easily accessible launching pad for teachers who want to make their philosophy classrooms more inclusive.”

The site includes anthologies and other resources for diverse syllabi, advice on approaches to student discussion and participation, tips on grading methods, and empirical information on what causes and hinders diversity. The site is a work in progress and its creators, Louise Daoust (University of Pennsylvania), Rochelle Duford (Binghamton), Bihui Li (Pittsburgh), Catherine Mathie Smith (Cornell), and Morgan Kelsey Thompson (Pittsburgh), invite suggestions for additions to it. (via Liam Bright)

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9 years ago

This is an insanely useful website. Thank you!