20th Century Continental PhD Programs Wiki

The latest addition to the set of informational wikis about the strengths of PhD programs is on 20th Century Continental Philosophy. Developed by Noëlle McAfee (Emory), in consultation with a number of other philosophers, the aim of the wiki is “to provide an unranked yet searchable list of Ph.D. (and terminal M.A.) programs that have strengths in 20th (and early 21st) century continental philosophy throughout the world.”

She adds:

This is not a final product but a beginning project.  A wiki is a website that many people can edit.  We are inviting the philosophy community to contribute to making this wiki more comprehensive.  Also, it will need to be regularly updated as faculty come and go.  Section 4 of the wiki offers a powerful tool for searching for strengths in areas and figures. Each Ph.D. program also has a wiki program page in which additional strengths of a department can be listed.  Terminal MA programs are also listed, and they can create their own wiki program pages to add more information.

This wiki is part of the PhilWiki.net project created by Shawn Miller, a graduate student at UC Davis. The 20th Century Continental wiki joins his Philosophy of Biology wiki and one on Philosophical Logic created by Shawn Standefer. The PhilWiki page contains a template that can be easily cut and pasted, for those interested in developing wikis for other areas of specialization. Already in the works are pages on formal epistemology, philosophy of math, and philosophy of technology.

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9 years ago

Thanks again for letting people know about what is (hopefully) a growing stable of wikis! I think Noëlle’s Continental Philosophy site does a great job of letting people sort programs by highly-relevant criteria. I wanted to add, and people will see this if they visit philwiki.net, that all wikis are set up and hosted for free, so no technical expertise is required and no cost incurred. Also, a running list of all Ph.D. philosophy programs listed on current wikis is maintained at http://philwiki.net/index.php/Running_List (and http://philwiki.net/docs/runningList.txt). So anyone interested in creating their own wiki can use items from the list (which stands at 128 programs) as a starting point to speed up the development process.