Panel Set for Barnett’s Hearing

An article in the Daily Camera reports on the composition of the faculty panel who will meet on December 4th and 5th to hear the University of Colorado’s case for firing associate professor of philosophy David Barnett (previously). The panel includes six faculty from the University of Colorado, none of whom are from the philosophy department. From the article:

According to regents policy, Barnett would have been able to view the list of panel members and request that specific members be excluded…

In Barnett’s hearing, which is confidential, the CU administration must prove by clear and convincing evidence that he committed a fireable offense, according to the regents’ “Faculty Dismissal for Cause Process” policy. Such offenses include professional incompetence, neglect of duty, insubordination, conviction of a felony, sexual harassment or other conduct which falls below minimum standards of professional integrity. Each side can present witnesses, including experts, who can be questioned by both sides and by panel members, according to the policy. The panel chair can decide to allow opening and closing statements or other oral arguments. After the hearing, the panel is expected to issue a written report with findings, conclusions and recommendations. 

A panel recommendation is not binding. President Bruce Benson will then review case materials and decide whether the case should move forward. If Benson recommends dismissal, the case goes before the Board of Regents, which ultimately votes on termination. The board’s action is final, though it’s possible the saga could continue.

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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