Journal of Philosophy in Schools

The inaugural issue of Journal of Philosophy in Schools (JPS) is now online. It is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal, based in Australia, which will appear twice a year. Its aim is “to encourage academic reflection and research into the growing field of philosophy in schools with the intention of making such information widely available through the use of an open-access format.”  The journal is a replacement of sorts for a previous journal that folded six years ago called Critical & Creative Thinking (C&CT). The editors, Andrew Peterson (U. of South Australia) and Laura D’Olimpio (Notre Dame Australia), write about the journal and its first issue:

We are committed to providing an open, research-based source of academic articles pertaining to philosophy with children, philosophy in schools and, by extension, philosophy and education. The focus of the journal is research into philosophy with school-aged children (K-12 or ages 3-19 years). What was once called Philosophy with Children has developed into a sub-discipline of philosophy with its own history, traditions and pedagogy, and incorporates philosophical inquiry in the classroom, reflective education and Socratic dialogue through the use of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) methodology.

In paying homage to our history, we decided to publish volume 1, issue 1 of JPS as a commemoration and critical reflection on what has gone before. The aim of this issue is to start the conversation about philosophy in schools anew and revitalise the reading of seminal articles—originally published in C&CT—to a new and ever-growing, international audience. We selected key works that were published in C&CT between 1993 and 2008 and invited the authors to revise their original articles or add a new introductory note or reflective comment. 

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