Dudley Knowles (1947 – 2014) (updated)

Dudley Knowles, professor of philosophy at the University of Glasgow, has died. Professor Knowles worked in political philosophy and on Hegel. The department has added some memorial remarks to his web page. (Thanks to Fiona Macpherson and Alan Weir for this information.)

UPDATE (11/5/14): The Herald has published an obituary of Knowles.

UPDATE (11/5/14): Another obituary for Knowles by John Skorupski has been published in The Guardian. (via Fiona Macpherson)

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Thom Brooks
9 years ago

This is very sad news. Dudley was a good friend – and, indeed, the external examiner for my PhD. One of the finest philosophers and people I’ve met. Philosophy has lost someone wonderful.

Christian Coons
Christian Coons
9 years ago

I took classes from Dudley during my “junior year abroad” as an undergrad. It was a buoying revelation; I felt like a potential participant, not a memorizing spectator. He was the warmest teacher I’ve ever had. I’m uncomfortable considering counter-factuals where I’d never met him.