Heap of Links

1. Jason Stanley (Yale) brings political philosophy to bear on Detroit and the idea of “emergency managers” in The New York Times. Detroit’s Metro Times  calls it the “most interesting read on the situation.”
2. “Things you should know before publishing a book.”
3. Looking for a brief, clear, and motivated explanation of likelihoodist, Bayesian, and frequentist methods in statistics that doesn’t already depend on you knowing a lot about math and probability? Greg Gandenberger, a PhD student at Pittsburgh, has two posts for you.
4. John Protevi (LSU) on path-dependence and merit in the philosophy job market.
5. How to deal with the fact that, for many of us, while “our salaries only reflect nine months’ worth of work, obligations from our colleges and universities often do leach into our summer time, time that is ostensibly our own.” In IHE.
6. Next time you see someone doodling while you’re giving a talk or teaching a class, don’t get offended—that person may, like Jesse Prinz (CUNY), just be trying to “help himself pay attention,” says The Wall Street Journal.
7.  The inaugural issue of Recreational Mathematics is out, and looks kind of fun. (via Bookforum)
8. Myisha Cherry (John Jay College) at the Huffington Post on why love isn’t all we need.
9. When it comes to love, we are the highly suggestible types. “The ideal situation is… to both be told you’re a good match, and at the same time actually be one. [But]… if you have to choose only one or the other, the mere myth of compatibility works just as well as the truth.” The head of OK Cupid writes, rather amusingly, about the experiments OK Cupid has performed on its users.
10. While we’re on love, this may be related. This probably isn’t.

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Greg Gandenberger
9 years ago

Thanks for the link!