Heap of Links

1. Carrie Ichikawa Jenkins makes some personal resolutions about how to treat other philosophers.
2. Students prefer administering painful electric shocks to themselves rather than just sitting and thinking. [Insert joke here, folks] 3. On the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s website you can view 142 works of art with “philosopher” in their title and 149 with “philosophy“. (I haven’t checked whether there is much overlap.)
4. Also in art & philosophy news, you can now purchase an Aesthetics for Birds sticker, created to celebrate that blog’s one-year anniversary. Proceeds go to charity.
5. Is American anti-government individualism owed, in part, to a deleted punctuation mark? Political theoriest Danielle Allen investigates.
6. String theory and the space brain threat.
7. “The players of any given sport have a moral responsibility to adhere to their agreed code. But it doesn’t at all follow that the sports with less restrictive codes are morally inferior.” David Papineau on morality and fakery in sports.
8. Why is the non-academic job market “much more humane and sensible” than the academic job market?
9. Massimo Pigliucci and Julia Galef discuss human nature at Rationally Speaking. (via Philosophy TV)
10. How Plato invented the alarm clock.
11. A reminder about the old Wikipedia philosophy conspiracy, in case you missed it.
12. Happy Independence Day! Here’s a little article on The Virtues of Captain Americaa book by Mark White (College of Staten Island / CUNY).

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