Philosophers Outside Academia

Helen De Cruz has begun a series of posts at NewAPPS collating responses to her interviews of several philosophers who left the academy to pursue careers elsewhere. The careers include software engineers, consultant, television writer, counselor, and others. She writes:

In the course of this week, NewApps will provide an overview of their responses in a series of three blogposts. The current blogpost looks at why they left academia, when they decided to do so, and what steps they took.
The next blogpost will look at the nuts and bolts of working outside of academia, and how it compares to academia in terms of work/life balance etc. The final blogpost will focus on what skills (as academics and philosophers the respondents thought were transferrable to their present jobs, and offer concrete advice to philosophy PhD holders who contemplate a move out of academia.

The first post is here. Let me take the opportunity to remind readers of this page for listing successes philosophers have had obtaining positions outside of academia.

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