Moral Injury

These issues have sparked a relatively new area of research among military ethicists known as “moral injury.” It emerges from experiences when “you apply your judgment of right and wrong to an experience and find that your expectations of ‘what is right’ clash jarringly with reality,”

The story of prisoner of war Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, who was exchanged for five Taliban detainees late last month, has raised a number of questions, including ones about moral psychology. Nancy Sherman (Georgetown) and others are interviewed about them, including the idea of “moral injury,” here.

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10 years ago

David M. Bell (Georgia State U) is doing some work on moral injury. He recently gave a talk on it as part of a short “Morality In and After War” series we had here at U of West Georgia. Very interesting presentation and area. (Bell is in Religious Studies at GSU, and is also affiliated with their Neuroscience Institute.)