The $4.8 Million Experience

Samuel Newlands (Notre Dame), L. A. Paul (North Carolina), and Michael Rea (Notre Dame) have won a grant of $4.8 million from the Templeton Foundation for a three-year interdisciplinary project on the nature of experience. The project explores the nature and implications of transformative experiences, the character of religious and spiritual experiences, and how work on transformative experiences may illumine our understanding of religious and spiritual experiences. Newlands and Rea are the principal investigators for the “religious and spiritual” part of the grant, while Paul is the principal investigator for the “transformative experiences” part. Details are available at The Experience Project’s website.

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Nick Byrd
10 years ago

Congrats to Newlands, Paul, and Rea! I was able to hear LA Paul talk about this project a bit at this year’s Rocky Mountain Philosophy Conference. It was a highlight of the conference for me. I look forward to the fruit of this project.