APA Central Seeks Continental Philosophy

Janice Dowell, program committee chair for the 2015 Central Division meeting of the APA, says that the committee would like to especially encourage submissions in continental philosophy. She writes, “Continental philosophy is often underrepresented on our submitted program and one source of the difficulty seems to be that we receive so few submissions in that area.” The meeting is February 18-21, 2015 in St. Louis. Submission instructions are here.

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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Peter Gratton
Peter Gratton
10 years ago

Reblogged this on PHILOSOPHY IN A TIME OF ERROR and commented:
This is interesting. I think the reason for few submissions was simply that there was never anything really on the program, and if there was, it was analytic philosophers on Heidegger.

John McCumber
John McCumber
9 years ago

I’d be happy to submit something in/on continental philosophy. But the APA was so brutal to an old man named Morris Judd, who lost his job during the McCarthy Era and, 50 years later in his eighties, said he would like a bit of recognition that the APA was sorry he hadn’t had a career, that I left the organization entirely.

Reply to  John McCumber
9 years ago

For more about Morris Judd’s story, see http://www.dailycamera.com/ci_13137226