Philosophy Majors & IQ

If you were to rank undergraduate majors by average IQ, where would philosophy majors be on that list? Here is one such list, with IQ and SAT scores. I have no clue as to its methodology, but it has philosophy majors near the top. If accurate, it may cut against some claims often made about the benefits of majoring in philosophy. 

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Zac Cogley (@ZacCogley)
10 years ago

It would only cut against such claims if IQ score was immune to improvement through study, no?

Small sample, but suggestive!

Sean McAleer
Sean McAleer
10 years ago

I would’ve thought those majoring in Higher would have had higher SATs. I mean, otherwise, what’s the point? Or is that such majors tend to be higher than other majors?

10 years ago

I think they probably just used a conversion chart (probably this one, since many people think of SATs as measuring IQ (!).

10 years ago

You’re assuming a particular direction of causation. It may be that majoring in philosophy produces higher IQs and higher SAT scores, or it may be that those with higher IQs and stronger skills that would lead to higher SAT scores are more inclined to study philosophy, or to continue in the field once they have encountered it.